Thursday, May 26, 2011

What is a Veteran?

This is one of those topics that I like to categorize in “I’m not quite sure how to explain that to a four year old and seven year old” We tried to explain Memorial Day to the kids and have them understand that it is not just a day off of school and a bounce house in our back yard. We went to the flag placement for the Veterans yesterday which helped some of the concepts we were trying to explain but according to the conversations below I’m not sure they get it yet……

Brady – When are we going to get to cemetery?
Brooke – Wow Brady that’s a big word for you.
Mom – Do you know what a cemetery is?
Brady – I know, it where graves are.
Brooke – And Dead people.
Brady – I don’t know any dead people
Mom – You’re lucky you don’t
Dad – I do.
Brooke – Who?
Dad – My Grandma and Grandpas
Mom – Yep
Brooke – No mom they are just birds now, remember Grandma Novacek’s mom and dad are. (Mom you have her convinced too!)

Mom - Well this cemetary is full of soldiers that fought for our freedom
Brooke - Why?
Dad - Do you know there are other places people live that they aren't allowed to do a lot of things. We are pretty lucky here that our leaders allow us to basically do what we want.
Brooke & Brady- just silence (not sure if they were thinking about it or just totally zoning us out)
Mom – Now when we get there let’s be respectful
Dad – Yes, the headstones are not rock climbing walls Brady, we don’t run and misbehave in the cemetery.
Brady – Why?
Mom – Because people are going there to visit their loved ones and it's respectful to not let them visit in peace on this special day and some people may be sad
Brooke - Like Mom – they freak her out.
Mom – why do you say that?
Brooke – Because I know it does. (which it does…)
Brooke – Hey mom turn up the radio this it Gaga, I mean “The Lady”
And that was our lesson on respect haha.

Anyway we did the best we could explaining soldiers, war, respect, and graves with the audience we had. They may not have understood everything but I still think it was important to try. Their were 5,000 flags put out and we couldn't’t believe how fast they all went up, there were so many volunteers that it was neat to see it come together so quickly.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

The Graduate....

It is truly hard to comprehend that I dropped this kid off 4 years ago to his Daycare/Preschool......

There were plenty of anxious feelings over the years: Are they feeding him what he needs? Is he sleeping enough? Did I remember to bring diapers? I miss him! Are the providers caring to him? Is he making friends? I miss him! Is he starting to talk? I miss him! How will the transition to the new room go? Does he know his letters and numbers? Is he participating? I miss him! Does he miss me? Is he kind to his teachers and friends? Is he a leader? Is he a follower? Does he come home happy? I miss him.

And now 4 years later I am staring this straight in the face and just can't believe it.........

Because YES he did eat enough. He did sleep enough. I sometimes remembered to bring diapers. The providers were caring to him. He did make friends. He did start to talk. The transitions to the new rooms were fine. He does know his letters and numbers. He does participate He is kind to his teachers and friends? He surprisingly is a leader. He did come home happy. Finally, I did miss him every single second of every single day, but as I watched him grow and flourish each and every day he went, I was okay with missing him, and he was okay with it too. However, I never once hated picking him up and hearing his high pitch scream go "MOOOOOMMMMMM" and do a running dive hug EVERY. SINGLE. TIME!

I am so grateful to this school that gave him a happy loving environment that I never worried about him in (albeit that I was within 10 steps of the building) for the last 4 years. It is bittersweet as he goes through graduation and will no longer be across the parking lot from me but in elementary school, but I think he is ready, he has broken out of his shell this year, become the class clown, loves his new desk in his room and requests to do homework as much as it pains me ......gulp .......I think he is ready. So our hats off to you bugs......congrats on moving to the next step.

Receiving his diploma from his teachers.......

His pencil box gift was green......awesome!

Remember what I said about being the class clown.....

Oh yeah and the class Pirate.....Ahoy Mate...

One happy boy with a face I could eat.....

Finally, Mom and Dad trying to hold on to what ever little four year old we have left.....literally look at me grasping him to take the picture....haha.


Brooke had her first bridging ceremony. I didn't know what it was either, however I quickly learned it is the ceremony where the Daisy's "bridge" over to the next level, Brownies. They each get to read lines as part of the ceremony to determine what values they learned as a Daisy and what it means to become a Brownie. She was really excited to move to the next level, because if you know Brooke she is ALWAYS excited to move to the next level and prove that she is older and one step closer to all the older kids she looks up to so much, along with the real bonus they get to loose the smock and wear the SASH, next year! I on the other hand demand for all this "bridging" to stop! I am not ready for her to continually get older and always have to be moving to the next level, especially at the speed that it seems to be happening. All of a sudden my Daisy has left the building and I have a Brownie and an almost second grader on my hands, how did that possibly happen so fast? Yikes! But as this is only one thing in a sea of many that I will not be able to control when it comes to my kids, I at least can sit back and watch and be proud as they advance to the next great thing........

Brooke her last day as a Daisy.....

Brooke and a classmate no doubt planning their upcoming mock rock performance (its all we talk about right selection, dance moves, rehearsal times......oh vey!)

Her Troop!

The Girl Scout Law......

This one you may have to turn the sound way up......they got a bit quiet when it was time to read their lines....

Apparently a timeless classic as each and every mom sang along and the girls all questioned us later ....."Mom how do you know that song too?"

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Musical Moments....

Brooke just had her first grade musical, here are a few highlights......I didn't have the patience to load the videos so just follow the links, its a quicker process on the front end! Enjoy!

Performance - Don Gato.....

Performance - Ram Sam Sam......

Performance - Alley Blley......

Performance - Whacky Do Re Mi.....

Performance - Folk Dancing......

Performance - What a Wonderful World.....

Thursday, May 05, 2011


Last fall Brady declared he wanted to play soccer in the spring, he has been going to Brooke’s games for years now and I think he finally was like I can do this too, right? Of course I said, “absolutely” but inside I was like oh boy, the shy kid wants to try a team sport, hold onto your hats…….because as I have witnessed the tears shed every time his sister or anyone else takes the ball away from him (even though that is the point of the game) …I think maybe we should start with something else… I introduced the thought of T-ball to him (ie. …not a lot of struggle, everyone gets a chance at batting , advancing to all the bases etc…..) His reply….”Nope mom I want to play soccer.” So this winter we had him do a sports sampler class and it was a huge hit, he loved it all but always when asked which sport he liked the best he always went back to soccer and when I ask why it is “because it is what Brookie plays and I am super fast”

So last weekend was our first game (no practices at this point On the ride over there we reviewed some guidelines……..
1. It’s okay if you don’t know everyone, these will be new friends
2. Listen to your coach; even though you never met him, you do what he says he’s the boss.
3. Don’t get upset if you get the ball taken away, you just try and get it back.
4. Don’t get mad if your jersey isn’t green (he prayed for it to be green) – you get what you get and you don’t get upset.
5. Be a good sport
6. Have fun.

Again…..his reply “MOM…..I already know all that!”

So we get there we find his team, meet his coach, get his new GREEN jersey, find out their team was going to be the “green dragons” He was literally jumping for joy for so long before the game started and bombing out with the ball that I had to inquire if he had to go to the bathroom….he replied “No I just love soccer” He did great and I definitely underestimated my little man. He ended up scoring 5 goals his very first game! Chris and I said it will be a proud parent day we will always remember, something clicked with this little man that day. However, the pride doesn’t stem from a goal scored or a win under their belts as a green dragon but for all the following reasons instead:

1. Our little man was ENTHUSIASTIC about an activity and joined willingly!
2. Our little man greeted the team and his new coach as if they were his new best friends
3. Our little man screamed “This is the BEST DAY EVER” as he came over for halftime. (at half time he also declared that he will be sleeping in his soccer uniform)
4. Our little man took turns and cheered for his team LOUDLY when it was his turn to sit out.
5. After our little man scored a goal he bolted to the side line and I asked him what he was doing he said “I scored….. it’s kissy and cuddle time mom!” (this one might rank highest on my list)
6. At the end of the game he just looked at Chris and I and said “Do we come back tomorrow to play again?”
7. Seriously, most of all is that our little man is maturing, breaking out of his shell, trying new things and enjoying them – there is nothing better to watch than that!

I am going to go out on a limb and guess that Brady’s favorite part besides everything listed above was that his sister was FINALLY watching what he was doing!

However there are two things we still must work on........

1. Being Humble - perhaps shouting at the top of his lungs "can you believe it is 10-2" isn't his best choice

2. Cherry picking is usually frowned upon (hence the five goals.)

Sunday, May 01, 2011


As if life isn't stressful enough ......My poor 4 year old has to tolerate tough decisions each and every day..... The anxiety it must cause him is mind blowing, I mean first he must wake up every morning and carefully decide which superhero shirt to wear, and there might be days like this one where 50% aren't even available for choosing since they need to be laundered .........

And then once he finally gets him self dressed he then must contemplate which of his 894 plastic figurines will make the cut that day, and be found on each level of the house as well as in the car and in his school backpack......
Then on top of all this stress related decisions he must then choose what costume to place over his superhero shirt and fight all the evil plastic foes.....I honestly just don't understand how he does it.

Wouldn't it be unreal if this was what was plaguing your mind each and every day?