Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Metal Mouth.....

Brooke has officially become a metal mouth! She just got her top and bottom expander put in last week and let’s just say there is a lot of the following going on………

  • Sluuuuuuuurrrrrppppping……it’s super annoying, I know it’s only been a week and she is producing a lot more saliva with these things in but it seriously sounds like she is swallowing Lake Michigan.

  • Excessive chunks of food on the bathroom mirror and sink due to some inexperience with the water pik.

  • She sells sea shells by the sea shore….......its like we reverted back to being 4 years old in the speech department, however it seems to be improving each day.

  • Hunger strikes…….now I can be sympathetic, trust me the first few days were all applesauce and pudding, but as I see her leave snack wrappers empty and inhaling doughnuts and a salmon dinner at a neighbors house I know things are getting better but if there is something she does not like at our dinner table its now “ugh mom I really can’t eat that with the expander its just too hard” this included white milk the other night……..I reminded her that was NOT on the do not eat list! Oh expander please don’t take my “good” eater away!

  • Enough saliva on her pillowcase to warrant washing it every day!

  • A LOT of absences from school for ortho appts……..wish we would have started this in the summer.

I know it’s only been a week ……what am I complaining about? There are only 358 more days until we get them out, but who’s counting!

Here is a picture to remind me why I must put up with the listed items above.

I do think it is unfair how early they start them now, they will have no idea what it means to be an awkward teenager with braces or crooked teeth. I know I know.......its the ol' walking uphill in the snowstorm to school story but seriously

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