Thursday, July 24, 2014

Number Eight.

Our little man is now 8. Crazy when I think about it, really. He changed a lot over the last year, but at the same time remains my baby and plays the part well. He is always up for a cuddle or a hug and still wants us around 100% of the time.
This year's obsession: Sports. I can clearly define each year of Brady's life with what "thing" he is latching onto full force (superheros, ninjas, Legos, wonder pets...etc...) This year something clicked and he was really interested. Not only in playing the game but also in watching it and understanding what is going on, knowing players names and cities, and rules of the games. I guess the apple isn't falling too far from the tree.
Happy #8 to our little Bugs!

So the beauty (at least to me) of the sports obsession is Dad is 100% on for gift buying and Mom is 100% out.......easiest birthday shopping ever!

Speaking of easy.....Chris and I finally after 8 years got smart and warded off the sweltering backyard birthday party. Every year it is 150 degrees and everyone is melting on the deck and a 2 hour party feels like it lasts a week. Brady was 100% okay with this all he wanted was to take two friends to the trampoline park, get pizza and ice cream. Done. Thank you.
Brady, Aiden & Lew getting their party on....
Off to go jump their hearts out. Apparently Brady was not letting these guys forget who was the birthday boy. "Men.....Carry me to the trampoline"
So since Brady was completely entertained and happy with his buds, Brooke was in 100% watch me mode.
 So much so that she set a goal for herself to "butt bounce" for 12 minutes straight all while mom and dad had to watch her......
And this was the superstar after setting her world record......can anyone say barf bag.....we definitely stayed to watch this part!
We finished off the night with a stop at the ice cream shop. Who knew free face painting and ice cream that day.....Birthday party luck!
I mean do you understand my excitement at the ease of this night....they even decorated for this little guys birthday.

Tramp cream.....check......Best birthday party EVER.....CHECK!!
Happy Eighth Birthday Brady!

Monday, July 21, 2014

America's Birthday.....

We spent the 4th out at Pine Lake.
Watching the fireworks lakeside. I love Brady third wheeling Jake and Taylor, he so looks up to him.
Then pestering the bomb.....
Snuggling up for Uncle Tom's own firework display....
A little rock climbing before the turtle races...
Kids made shirts at camp this year, turned out so cute and saved me a trip to Old Navy!
Brooke's Turtle.

The ladies sporting their stars and stripes!
Brady's turtle.
The patriotic gang.....
The Novacek Clan.
Mr. Turtle himself....
Brady letting his turtle stretch out before the big race.
Brady thought he had a shoo-in since his turtle was the same number as the mascot.
All said and done Brady took 4th in his heat and we called it good and headed back for some water sports and grub!

These girls never get sick of it.....
Everyone getting cooled off....

Somehow Tom introduced the game bloody knuckles to Brady....
Brady had no idea what it meant, but thought it was hilarious.
Lexi Drew's photo shoot with her beachy waves!

Da Gansta lean....
Work it....own it......
Every time we leave...."Mom, Uncle Tom is crazy and so much fun"
The diaper crew....
This doesn't look like it is going to end well....
and it didn't...Lexi with a head to the side of the boat.....
And that was Fourth of July - 2014.....

Tuesday, July 15, 2014


Took a girls trip out east to Philadelphia. Had a great time, walked for a good cause, ate a lot of naughty cheese steaks, toured the historical sites, and caught up with some friends that I don't get to see too often. A fun and successful trip!
So apparently Michigan didn't make this logo up after all. Learned on a bus tour that it was a Philly artist that never got it copy righted therefore why its on every Michigan T-shirt.
We walked 18 miles to support a good cause....this is us fresh faced at the start of the walk.
Opening ceremonies on the "rocky steps"

City Hall.
Double decker bus tour. Actually learned a lot about stuff prior to our walk, while saving our legs.
My stomach saw one too many of these, oh so good.
Down at the harbor for some good times.
Taking in the sights.
I was obsessed with these LED lights, I have since found them on Amazon.