Wednesday, July 09, 2014

The end of the school year events.....

This already seems like forever ago, however I am just getting to it now. Our kiddos finished off another great year, some were rougher starts than others but all finished strong. With any end of school year there seems like a million and one activities to fit in but this year they seemed to be mostly centered around "Da Bwookie" as it was her final year at her beloved elementary school and lots of events to celebrate and mourn the building and teachers she is leaving behind.
First event - 4th Grade Field Trip to Camp Manitoulin.
This was a great fun day for both the kids and me. I got to join, and not just sit on the sidelines and chaperone, they let all the parents participate in the events which made it very cool. The only part that was not cool was one little fourth grader requesting that I ride the bus with them. So while all the other parents were sipping Starbucks in their cars, I was listening to 100 4th graders belt out "Let it go" from Frozen at maximum volume. Secretly I loved that she asked me, I can tell she is growing up but at random times she will pull back and be that kid that wants her mom around and if riding a bus with 100 tone deaf 4th graders is what it takes......well then.
Out Kayaking, not a bad way to spend a school day.
Her beloved Mrs. Bedi.
Controlled Chaos.
Paddling class.
Ahhh this is the life.
Buddies from class.
Brooke suiting up for the climbing wall.
There she goes....
Mom giving it a go on the rock climbing wall.
Her whole class cheered on her teacher as she was terrified to try it.
They also did archery, and a lot of trust field type games. It was a good day....and guess what the bus was much quieter on the way home (smile)

Second event - Talent Show.
Brooke loves this stuff. She is anxious and nervous about it but never shies away from being in front of an audience. Sadly enough it just might be our last one as Brady surprisingly declined the invitation to participate, and I am anticipating the same for the remainder of his career here, but  I like to think never say never....
Brooke and her group did Titanium by Sia Furler and their vision was to be tough girls dressed in Camo....get it they are Titanium.....
Here is the link to the video....hope it works.

Third event - Field Days.
Whats not to like? Outside playing games all day with your friends. I have officially decided I would like to turn in my grown up hat and trade it for an elementary school aged hat.
 Here is Brady working on some teamwork.
If I could have this woman follow and teach Brady through the rest of his schooling career I would take it in a heartbeat. She did wonders for this little boy this year and we will be forever grateful!
The Hayhurst Hedgehogs....aren't their shirts they made cute?
Brady's competitive spirit was out in full force!
Now Brooke as we know latches on with open arms to whatever teacher, coach, and counselor she has interacted with. But without a doubt, this one was the most talked about, admired, and respected of any one that I can remember. From the first day she had her until the last day she never spoke an ill word about her and always put her on a pedestal, where I guess she deserves to be.
This one wasn't going down without a fight.
Fourth and final event - 4th grade tunnel send off....
So as you can see there isn't a lot of parent involvement in our school district.....
These were all the 4th grade parents that came out to make a tunnel for all the 4th graders to pass though as they make their final journey from this school to the 5/6 building. So as we walked up to take our place several parents kept asking if I would like a Kleenex, and I thought, no I think I am okay, I don't know if it is because Brady still has three more years at this establishment or I am an unemotional robot who thought this was a celebration.
But the tables quickly turned as the procession started and I caught a glimpse of my own daughter with red puffy eyes just shedding tears as she passed through the tunnel. Now I know Brooke is one to mourn her teachers every year, but it's always in the privacy of her own bedroom as she cries herself to sleep, this was very public and she didn't care she later told me that it was "so hard to give her teacher her last hug" Long story short I may have asked a parent to borrow a tissue.

These girls started in class together in young fives and then finished off together in 4th grade.


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