Tuesday, July 15, 2014


Took a girls trip out east to Philadelphia. Had a great time, walked for a good cause, ate a lot of naughty cheese steaks, toured the historical sites, and caught up with some friends that I don't get to see too often. A fun and successful trip!
So apparently Michigan didn't make this logo up after all. Learned on a bus tour that it was a Philly artist that never got it copy righted therefore why its on every Michigan T-shirt.
We walked 18 miles to support a good cause....this is us fresh faced at the start of the walk.
Opening ceremonies on the "rocky steps"

City Hall.
Double decker bus tour. Actually learned a lot about stuff prior to our walk, while saving our legs.
My stomach saw one too many of these, oh so good.
Down at the harbor for some good times.
Taking in the sights.
I was obsessed with these LED lights, I have since found them on Amazon.

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