Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Serioulsy - are we on candid camera???

I keep waiting for someone to bop out their head and say "ha your on candid camera" and all this craziness that has been happening will disappear......

6/18/08 - School calls "can you pick Brady up he just threw up everywhere" I proceed to get him 3 minutes later the entire classroom has been evacuated and there is disinfectant everywhere! I go pick up the pool lil guy and he starts doing a gurgle in his throat, I immediately run to the bathroom tripping on a plastic elephant trying to get him over the toilet that is only 3 cm from the ground which is hard to balance while doing in heels....... Take Brady home to have him nap the rest of the day with Dad.

6/19/08 - Brady wakes up after eating a huge dinner, no fever, no sign of any off to school we go.......first sign of Brady "Umm you know you can't bring him today" "oh that is okay he hasn't puked and doesn't have a fever" "We have a policy that there is a 24 hour waiting period" - which yes makes sense when I think about it but I was having different thoughts as I was standing there fully dressed for the day at 8:03 and nowhere to go but home to take a 1/2 a day off to divide and conquer the day with hubbie.

6/20/08 - I am off in court for the day - Chris is home with the kids since we had to do some schedule flopping. I call at one of my breaks to let Chris know that I will most likely be here all day. As he sounds sorta sleepy I ask what's wrong? I just threw up - GREAT. Oh and by the way you have 6 4-year olds coming over for a movie night that I offered to host well before I knew what this week was going to entail or that I would be working.......okay have fun with that.

6/21/08 - Brady decides at 2 a.m. that the only place he will be comforted and fall asleep in if some portion of his skin is touching moms face - NO LIE. I would hear deep heavy snore move him to a pillow next to me - immediately up and whinny until he crawls his sweaty little body over my face and falls fast asleep - ARE YOU KIDDING ME??? Chalk up another 4 hour sleep night.

6/22/08 - Everything seems great - until approx 8pm when I feel a tinge of a sore throat.

6/23/08 - Woke up with a wool sweater in my mouth and a mm of a space available for air in one nostril. SWEET. Body achy, eyes watery, nose stuffed........GOOD TIMES - ended up taking the day off work and tried to recoup.

6/24/08 - Home from work due to some rescheduling.......Good times with the kids - both are home that day - 4 pm rolls around and Brooke says her belly hurts her - OH HERE WE GO.....
She pukes and is in bed at 6:54 a FIRST! So as I am putting a WILLING tired girl to bed I think okay Brady goes down in a 1/2 hour - I can go to bed early and shake this head cold.....go down to get Brady see that he is BUTT NAKED and running around dancing which I giggle at the cuteness until i look over and notice that the diaper he pulled off was full of poop - so I immediately have him in the tub and a can of resolve squirted all over my carpet.


but no cameras, no jokes, just a taste of reality.........

So today was quite stellar - I went to work, kids both went and STAYED at school everything is just ROSES - but I still will not cancel my date with the NyQuil bottle that I am so looking forward to.....

Cheers to a healthy rest of the week.

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Dad's Diamond Day 2008!

Happy Fathers day Dad! It was a long sun drenched, sugar induced, day two of no naps for a one year old great day at the ball park. We celebrated Dad's special day with what else but a day at the diamond gorging on fried brownie bites and just enjoying a surprising pleasant day outdoors (we avoided the T-storms they were calling for!) Dad I hope you enjoyed it as much as the kids did! You are a great, amazingly patient, fun filled dad! Here are some pix to remember your "big day" :)
Brooke and Dad eating not so appealing choices in the food department!

For those fans of Zoolander.....This is Brady's "blue steel" look.......

Okay cotton candy - I don't get it, I don't know what the fascination is with inhaling a sticky cotton ball - I have never been a fan and can't comprehend how these kids think it is the greatest thing on earth - oh yeah its 100% SUGAR.....I guess I get why they would think it is cool...

The kids got to run the bases afterward - my pix are not fabulous - one downfall of not having an eye piece to look through on a camera in the blazing sun.....bu this is Brady bugs rounding first leaving Brooke and Dad in his dust (the boy was in heaven!) Notice Brooke staying ever so CLOSE to dad as the pig and the chipmunk mascot are at first base - still a sworn enemy to her!

Brady getting some "rad air" in the bounce house.....

Seriously folks put a fork in me - I am dunzo..... I need some sleep and I need it NOW!

Monday, June 09, 2008

Thunderstorms Schmunderstorms.......

I thought it was supposed to be "April showers"? It seems like we have been living in London lately, but hey it's June and mother nature you can't stop us from enjoying our summer! So in between the clouds and the stormy skies we have been trying to dart out whenever we can to capture a little summer solstice.

Commencing the summer season with what else but a tube of sunscreen to be applied at all moments (maybe those winter snow suits weren't so annoying after all) I mean its either sun screen or bug spray being slathered at all moments!
Fun at the park with Dad!
Hmmm....... I saw sister doing this but she somehow she got down from here and I can't seem to figure that part out!
A Boy and his hose - could he be any happier?
Making Ice cream floats in the "hot tub"
How many toddlers can we fit in a three foot pool?
Beating the heat and humidity!
Brady's first big experience in the "bounce house" this year. He loved it but would get nervous when the big kids would bounce too hard!
She looks forward to it every year!

Sunday, June 08, 2008

Really at 4? We are in TROUBLE........

So in good ol' Billy Joel fashion Brooke came to us the other day and said "I'm moving out!" She really doesn't care for our "rules" lately and said she wanted to join another family since they probably don't have any........Well after another bout about something totally ridiculous and getting sent to her room she claims "I don't want to be part of this family I am leaving" So Dad said okay see ya pack your bags..... and low and behold she did! There is this lil thing with her Dora suitcase ready to leave town. She came and gave me a Brady and me a hug and said goodbye! As mad and annoyed as we were - you couldn't help but chuckle at this headstrong four year old is thinking she is going to show us up.....The rest of the plot goes as follows......
m: "so where are you going to go"
b: "I'm going to move into Isabelle's house"
m: "nope you can't move into their house they have their own family and their own rules - you can't go to any neighbors houses"
b: "okay fine I will figure something out"
So she heads off into our front lawn and just sits on the rock under our tree - of course Chris and I were peering out the window to watch for her next move. She then comes back to the door and comes in.....
b: "mom do you know any families that don't have two kids or any kids at all?"
m: "nope I sure don't"
b: "okay thanks I'm gonna go again"
15 more minutes back on the rock thinking, thinking.......this is when the plan starts to go south, so she had many things working against her at this was almost 90 degrees and humid out, it was 15 minutes before we eat lunch, and Friday afternoon with everyone out at work and she finally comes back to the door
b: "guys I have made my decision......"
m: "oh yeah whats that?"
b: "I have decided to stay with my family"
D: "and live by our rules?"
b: "yep and live by your rules - even if I don't like them"
Then she continued to give us both huge big bear hugs
m: "welcome home"
So a lot of drama for a four year old - but I think it was worth it she really thought things through and hopefully it will set in a little bit that every family has rules and not everyone likes those rules but we still follow them! But Chris and I are immediately researching local boarding schools..... :)
So two days later I catch a glimpse of the suitcase that was carelessly tossed to the side once we were all reunited......and I was ever so curious to find out what she really packed for herself.......this is what I found.
5 pairs of pajamas
2 shorts
1 scrapbook of her teachers from school that she made (a girl after my own heart!)
no food, no drink, no necessities .....but hey that is what mom and dad are for right???

Wednesday, June 04, 2008

Mixed Emotions.......

So everyone has a little bit of Red Wing Feva kicking right now......Husband was able to venture down to game five on Monday with dreams of seeing the Stanley Cup paraded in front of him as his favorite team pulls out a win at home.......But those dreams went up in smoke in the last 30 seconds when the wings couldn't hold on - How do I know this?? I wasn't necessarily at the game but instead I was home alone with a craft room of possibilities and what was I doing???? I was tuned into this stupid game wondering if my husband would be lighting cars on fire in celebration (I think that is what you do in D-town- haha) my crafting abilities are ashamed and embarrassed! I was only able to make it up until the first overtime before I started sawing thing I hear was the front door opening - look at the clock and it was 4:30 am - Chris was just getting home - so I think ....oh good they won and he got to stay down and celebrate yadda yadda......well come to find out that is just how long 3 OTs take and a 2 hour drive home after that. So here I sit today with mixed emotions, the wings play tonight if they win then great they have won the Stanley Cup and I get my husband back, but if they loose than game seven is Saturday and whadda ya know. Chris randomly has tickets to that game too! So a little bit of me thinks let them just win tonight and lets be done with it......and another part of me thinks I really hope they loose so Chris can have the "once in a lifetime" opportunity to go back to D-town and experience a game seven Stanley Cup game, no matter who wins and perhaps I can use Saturday night to plead my craft room for forgiveness.........

So not sure how to end this other than LETS GO REDWINGS.....I think.....

Just a few shots of the "Wingnuts"

Monday, June 02, 2008

Commencement Craziness.....

So Brooke had her "preschool graduation" last week - I know weird huh? I thought so too. So I figure I will show up it will be a 15 minute presentation say thanks to the teacher and we will be on our way right? Little did I know......

*They rented out an entire church
*When we walked in we were escorted to a certain side (based on who your teacher was) I almost responded "we are friends of the bride"
*Parents are in full on suits and ties and women in dresses and I kid you not one in a Bonnet as if she was going to sit on the Easter Bunnies lap afterwards.
*Then a music procession begins and a full 1/2 hour slide show begins, which btw you could purchase after the event for $3. What is this senior prom? (Seriously though it was really cute they took pix of the kids from all year and all their events and made this slide show that really solidifies how much I love where they go to school!)
*The kids are then led in into the church dressed in full graduation caps and led across the stage in a large motorcade to be applauded.
*Then they begin to present awards to the kids (each one got one in the detrimental era of no one looses) like class clown, most likely to be a "fill in the blank" Brooke took home the "sweetest girl award" - and as it was spoken I was so proud but then felt the need to almost protest and request that they accompany her home some nights :)
* Each teacher then gave tear filled speeches about how much they will miss these kids.....
*Then each kid is announced given a diploma and a public school welcome kit.
*Then we went downstairs to have a full on refreshments and treats.

I don't think my high school did that much for us.......Brooke was loving every minute of it! Brady on the other hand had enough after about an HOUR AND A HALF of the festivities (so much for my 15 minute theory!) So we headed out to dinner to celebrate her big jump into public schooling and she dawned her graduation cap during dinner like she was royalty. A few pix of the event and her admired teachers....

Her Favorite - Ms. Jen - she will hopefully come babysit for the kids this summer!

Ms. Stephanie - who she adores and tells me that she looks like the girl on the cover of my US magazine (Angelina - ha!)