Sunday, June 15, 2008

Dad's Diamond Day 2008!

Happy Fathers day Dad! It was a long sun drenched, sugar induced, day two of no naps for a one year old great day at the ball park. We celebrated Dad's special day with what else but a day at the diamond gorging on fried brownie bites and just enjoying a surprising pleasant day outdoors (we avoided the T-storms they were calling for!) Dad I hope you enjoyed it as much as the kids did! You are a great, amazingly patient, fun filled dad! Here are some pix to remember your "big day" :)
Brooke and Dad eating not so appealing choices in the food department!

For those fans of Zoolander.....This is Brady's "blue steel" look.......

Okay cotton candy - I don't get it, I don't know what the fascination is with inhaling a sticky cotton ball - I have never been a fan and can't comprehend how these kids think it is the greatest thing on earth - oh yeah its 100% SUGAR.....I guess I get why they would think it is cool...

The kids got to run the bases afterward - my pix are not fabulous - one downfall of not having an eye piece to look through on a camera in the blazing sun.....bu this is Brady bugs rounding first leaving Brooke and Dad in his dust (the boy was in heaven!) Notice Brooke staying ever so CLOSE to dad as the pig and the chipmunk mascot are at first base - still a sworn enemy to her!

Brady getting some "rad air" in the bounce house.....

Seriously folks put a fork in me - I am dunzo..... I need some sleep and I need it NOW!

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