High School
Musical'ed..........that is......
I know both soundtracks backwards and forwards - they are catchy
toons; Brooke and her friends listen to it
constantly, I see the
paraphernalia EVERYWHERE and I know of the teen idols from reading my ever
informative US magazine, but I had no idea what all the hype was about! Brooke has seen the movies, which I will be honest wasn't that crazy about.......she is four right.....do we really need her to grow up any faster than she is (god help us!!) I myself have never seen the movies but everyone related it to the modern day Grease. Well I remember Grease being pretty grown up and I remember it being a special day that I got to watch the real version (not edited for TV) when they actually showed the rest of the sleepover pillow fight scene and they didn't bleep out words to "look at me I'm Sandra Dee" - So I was perplexed at why toddlers were so
infatuated with this new phenomenon. Well I found out this weekend finally. We took Brooke to a local play production of
HSM 1. (yup there are two - and a third on it's way) and I am slightly
embarrassed to say I LOVED IT!! We had second row seats and to watch the girls eyes BUG out of their head as these "idols" were in breathing distance was priceless..... and I was
relieved to find out the story line is really innocent, yes much like Grease, to some extent - these two meet while on vacation and find out they love to dance and sing - but then must part after summer......come to find out they go to the same high school, shes a science nerd, he's a jock and don't want to let their "clicks" down by trying out for the musical...... (sound a
lil familiar?) but you know what there was no T-Birds drinking, there was no pink ladies getting knocked up and smoking, there was no "
hydromatic", there was no "tell me about it stud" it was a sweet story with a good morale! So what I think I am saying is that I may be hooked myself - I am never one to hide that I love a good musical - but would it be weird if I run out to Target and purchase me a
HSM T-Shirt so I can wear it the next day at Work as if I just went to a
Bon Jovi concert? But enough about my Jazz hands wanna be dream - Brooke LOVED it too and even started asking about how you get to do shows and is that something she could do someday etc.....which for me was the best part - exposing her to theatre etc....... But in her mind I think the best part for her was getting Troy,
Sharpay, and
Taylor's autographs and pictures - it was
hilarious these high school kids thought they were rock stars they all had their own sharpies etc......The only disturbing part was that Sharpay, the character, Brooke always seems to pick to play when they are acting it out in our backyard I find out is the bossy, demanding one.....hmmmm how IRONIC!!!! So I must thank my neighbor for convincing me to be exposed to this underground world that is
HSM...... Here are some pix of the event.....
Brooke with her friends Elle and Chillie....

Brooke trying desperately to get Sharpay's autograph....

Victory - she got Taylor's autograph.....

Wow this photo shoot went better than Santa Claus!

The girls showing off their autographs...