Monday, July 07, 2008

Back in Action......Well Sort of....

So as you can tell from the last post the Munson Household took a digger in the health department the last few weeks so here is a synopsis of what has been going on over here since then......

We got a chance to relive some "glory days" when we hosted 7 couples from our college days and talk about old times as well as share in every body's present day excitements!! We got a chance to grill out, talk without being interrupted, play yard games, eat dinner at 8pm or when ever we felt like it, get ready to go out on the town at 10:30 PM (almost seems like a foreign thought as I type it now....), dance and sing to an 80's band and just have time to hang out with friends that we don't get to see too often! (Thanks to all the grandparents that made this event possible!)

This one I just had to add in there because poor Mike had no idea that I was taking this picture but none the less was so concentrated on perfecting his "air guitar" that nothing else seemed important at the moment~ haha!
But those good times were only short see running a 10K race and then staying out until 3 am when you are fighting off a 2 week head cold isn't such a wise decision as it brings me to my next fun filled news...... I have come down with a case of the Shingles........ yup that is right apparently it isn't just an "elderly" disease, that I always envisioned it to be - unless this is God's simple way to say "ummm Cherie you are old now - try and make better choices" It all started with a little rash that I thought were bug bites since we have been living in the Amazon out here and can't leave our door without a bee keepers suit on, but then it moved into numbness, soreness and after three consultations have determined I am fighting off the shingles, apparently it is prompted by low immunity and fatigue (insert bad choices from above) RIDICULOUS - so hopefully the Munson third world plague will end soon as I have started up yet another antibiotic to ward off this next case of drama.......I swear by August if I am complaining about corns and bunions - I am seriously going to loose it.......

But prior to all that we did have an enjoyable 4th of July with all the regular local festivities that we have come to love.
We stared by enjoying the the fireworks - the kids did great, but wouldn't it be nice if for just this one day the sun set at 7:30 instead of 9:59? I am just saying it makes for a late night.....
I just have to share my favorite part, because I am sure I will forget about the sweetness that is Brady Munson when he is sneaking out of the house to meet his friends to t-pee some neighbors house...... Brady was a trooper during the fireworks - he is one that is easily alarmed by loud noises, but when the works got going he just parked it on my lap and smooshed his cheek against mine, I would then move my head away to talk with Chris or something and he immediately put his palm on my face and smacked our cheeks back together as if to say don't you dare separate skin during this scary moment - I secretly found it so endearing I would purposely pull my head away just so he could glue them back together again - Just wanted to eat the cuteness out of him that night.......Here is an example of the constant cheek to cheek action......

Then we hit the neighborhood pancake breakfast (always a hit on an early morning) and the parade next - I sometimes get confused as to what holiday we are celebrating as these kids walk away with a sack full of candy as if it were straight up Halloween from the parade!
We ventured off to the carnival where Brady got to go on his first "ride" he was all for it until it started to move and then he was all.....nope all set thanks. Brooke got "inked" and then we headed home for "family nap time" I mean I love me a carnival but I am just saying that nap time gives the parade and the carnival a run for it's money!!

We then headed West the beach to finally enjoy some much anticipated summer weather and swimming! Brooke met the new neighbors lil girl and had a ball .........Brady was fascinated with the flying beetles that were in full force that day!

Hope everyone had a great Holiday weekend!!!

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