As evidenced by both his birthday parties Brady isn't much of a sweets guy! If a cookie and a piece of fruit were on his plate he would grab the piece of fruit every time, or say it was a cupcake vs. a salty chip.... sodium induced cruncher wins every time! But recently Brady has started to unravel the wonderful world of of the "ice cream cone" Before he would take bites of ours here and there but really could have cared less about it - but as we have been making Ms. Lisa's and The Front Porch a regular routine when leaving Grandmas house he is all about having a big ol' cone and seems to be enjoying every last lick. I watch the cuteness as he licks, sometimes getting brain freeze, and grinning ear to ear at me - I feel like he is thinking......Seriously why was I holding out? That piece o' fruit has got nothing on this dairy like fantasy! Here is just some evidence of his new love........
Seriously Brady you don't even understand what you have to encounter still.......
Chubby Hubby
Grasshopper pie
Moose Tracks
Chunky Monkey
Peanut butter/Chocolate
I am so glad you are finally taking life by the CONE and forcing your mutha to participate in devouring a few scoops in light of your new treasure!
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