Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Feel the burn.....

There is that moment after a good hard workout that you feel your body burn and tingle from your muscles going overboard and it secretly feels good like hey I did my body good today......

Then there is the burn that you feel from being hunched over in a half fold for the greater part of two days as you ski with a two and five year old. It is a FIREY burn that you feel in your quads from snow plowing backwards all day. The burn and and ACHE that you feel in your bicep from having an iron clad grasp on your little ones as they brave the chair lifts with no fear. The burn and THROB you feel in your shoulders as you continually lift them off of the chair lift in a stricken panic for them not to wipe out and be terrified of the moving benches for life.......somehow it STILL secretly feels good because I am doing something I love and my kids are loving it too!

This Burn I speak of Chris and I felt front and center this weekend - We took the kids up to Boyne Skiing with Tom & Jenn and the kids. It was a blast (minus the burn) The kids did great and who knew they made such adorable skis for two year olds. The plan wasn't even to take Brady skiing, I brought a sled for him to dink around on while everyone was giving it a whirl, but while in the rental place - we both gave a look like "when in Rome......do what the Romans do!" So we rented skis for the two turkey balls and it was so fun to all be doing the SAME activity! Brooke was a bit timid at first - I think the size of the hills scared her at first (or at least from what she has skied on before), but she quickly gained some confidence as she had to keep up with her cool, older Cousins.....by the end of the weekend she was unassisted and starting to make turns and slowly making her pizza slice!......Brady was a bit of a surprise as well - more so in the fact he went for it with gusto....... he had no fear, which I guess is the point of doing things when your young and don't know any better..... Here were a few of his catch phrases.....
  • When getting off the chair lift immediately yelling "MARK SET GO!"
  • "mommy race Brookie" "Fast"
  • "ski bumps again" (these rolling hills you could go over to create more speed!)
  • "Ski with mommy...... daddy hit head" (refer to video clip below!)
So when I returned back to work on Monday and immediately had therapy on my back, neck and shoulder I thought it was all worth it - every second of the burn - the kids LOVED it and skied from sun up until sun down both days! It was great to have them giggling and laughing with cousins from so much fun. We had fantastic weather for February in Michigan, we had a great condo on the hill that accommodated lunch breaks and naps easily. I can only hope they will request this vacation again as I foresee it getting easier every year! And hopefully we can convince Brady that "no, Mellow will not EAT you!

Instructor Alexis on the case!

Along with the Iron Clad grip I also safety pinned our hats together so he wouldn't fall!
Instructor Tom (hmmm do you see a trend she will listen to anyone as an instructor as long as their name doesn't start with Mom or Dad.....)
The Novacek Clan.....
Brady testing the waters on the "magic carpet"

Picture on the hill in front of the condo.....Brady still trying to figure out how to stand and walk in ski boots!
Here are those cute adorable "little" skis!

Here is the video I mentioned and the reason Brady skiied the remainder with Mom.....

Here is Brady Bugs taking a run in at night....

Brooke getting on the chairlift with Tom and Lexi.

Brooke making it alone.....

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