Monday, November 09, 2009

The Five burroughs

Staten Island.
The Bronx.

Chris was able to hit all five Burroughs in NYC and cross that finish line in the NYC Marathon!
It was quite the event and we couldn't be more proud of his dedication to his training and his commitment for completing this hilly course that runs through the biggest city in the United States. Chris and I have been to the big apple various times, but this one definitely had a purpose, things were carefully calculated (carb intake, subway rides, limited walking, early evenings, & hydration!), and more sleep was had than any vacation I have been on with this man! We were still able to enjoy sites and events of the city that we always enjoy, just in a limited manner.

So we started off at the expo, where Aunt Suzanne joined us (42 years in NYC and this was a first for her!)

I think this is where the event really comes to fruition and becomes real as you see the millions of people walking around grabbing their bib numbers, shopping for that t-shirt to prove you did it (because let's face it isn't that why we all do this), loading up on gu, lube, making your list and checking it twice.........

It was fun to plan out the race and see all these landmarks that we have toured many a times but this time we would be catching them in a blink of an eye as Chris speeds by and we give a quick wave of encouragement and bust it out to the subway for the next stop.......

Then we headed off to the pasta party dinner the night before, did we know it would be insanity for a plate of noodles, yes, but we felt like to get the true experience we should give it a hind site any of the million Italian restaurants or ramen noodles at Mark's apartment would have sufficed.......

We were able to walk the finish line on the way to the dinner though Central Park (one of our favorite places in the city!) It was eye opening to see all the countries represented with approximately 20,000 of the 40,000 runners being foreign.

Umm this is the closest I would get to cheering him on at the finish since only the hoitty toitty's are able to rent out a seat on the bleachers......

Good luck hubbie Bub!

Then it's race day 11/1/09.....Let's just say the logistics of this marathon are not fantastic. Poor Chris had to arise at 5am to walk 11 blocks to catch the right subway that would then take him to the bus that would then take him to the ferry boat that would them deliver him to Staten Island where he would sit until he started the race at 10:00am........Wowzer!! Non runners are not even able to accompany runners to the start for sheer Mayhem would ensue!

Our great friends John and Julie were able to drive up from Boston and meet me at Grand Central station so I had some pals to run around the race with.....Literally. Here's the loyal fan base waiting for one of many subway rides...

Here is Chris at about mile 7 cruising along feeling good, little did we know that feeling would fade to black in about 7 more miles. Chris hit a wall pretty early and experienced some leg cramping that he hadn't his entire training. It was unfortunate, but as we all are learning this thing called a marathon and our bodies are two things that are completely unpredictable. He still finished and he still completed an awesome task, he was just bummed he didn't "enjoy" it as much as he hoped he would have after such a strong training bout.

Technology never ceases to amaze me. John was gracious enough to bring along his I-Phone and we were able to track Chris throughout the entire race and the accuracy was incredible - it gave split times, and literally where he was at any moment, pretty neat. Sometimes we would be so devoured by looking at him on the phone that we would forget to actually look for HIM!

I saw one of the four celebrities that I was searching for (Ed Norton, Anthony Edwards, Allanis Morrisette and Ethan from Survivor) GO GOOSE - Finish this race.....or loose me forever.......hmmmm I wonder how many times he heard that?

Chris trying to warm up in his Mylar blankie - Mission accomplished!

One final Horrah with Medal in hand at Grand Central Station....

For those of you who have time here is a link to his official pictures, I can't believe how many they got of him......also there are some wicked over view city pictures....

So he has two under his belt, but let me tell you he is not done........he left unsatisfied I just know it. His legs feel great after a week, and he is ready to keep running........I can't relate but he has got the bug and a goal in his head of what he didn't get done in NYC.......So he is back on the training circuit and we have agreed lets leave the hoopla of these big city races, these elevated bridges, stay local, stay flat and just run your heart out so we can hang up the sneeks for good :) So until May............

We are proud of you!

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