Monday, May 19, 2008

Here's looking at you Kid.......

I hope the two of you remain friends and playmates is such a joy to see the two of you get along and care for each other. Don't get me wrong it isn't always happy go lucky we have our moments when the two have to go to their separate me, but for the most part they truly enjoy each other. Brady constantly gives us the "where's Brooke sign" whenever she leaves the immediate vicinity of where he is. He truly idolizes her and tries so hard to fit into her world. Brooke sometimes lets him and this is my favorite time to sit back and watch.......She defiantly takes on the teacher role trying to teach him songs, work on his speech, show him how she believes it should be done. I hope she continues to clear the path for him and show him the way, because soon enough it will be Brady who will want to step up and protect his big sister~but until then I hope he always looks to his Big sis for some guidance.

There's no other love like the love for a brother. There's no other love like the love from a brother. ~Astrid Alauda

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