Monday, October 13, 2008

Big man on Campus.....

Brady bugs spent his first night in a BIG BOY bed last night! We forgot the toddler bed and went straight for the twin mattress... He was so excited to be a big kid like his sister. He spent 10 minutes just jumping up and down with Brooke like they were in some bounce house. Brooke was the big sister extraordinaire saying things like "WOW Brady is this your new BIG BOY bed, I am so proud of you" "Are you going to sleep in your big boy bed like sissy, I love you so much..." He did great Chris adjusted him before we went to bed since he was nearing the edge, but didn't budge after that, and then this morning I had to go and wake him up! Who knows what will ensue when he wakes up on his own he might go wondering around aimlessly, but I hope his regular routine of yelling "mom, dad" until we come get him will stay the norm. No telling what this will do to his nap schedule, but so be it the new milestones are too exciting oh and also I can't wait to rid our road trips of the pack and play and create that much more space to haul stuff along.....
Tonight he has said "me, bed" since 6:45 p.m. I am not sure if it is because he is excited about his new bed or if he really does take after his mom and has no problem turning in at am absurdly early bedtime! I held him off until 7:45 and not one peep......hasta la vista cribby.....
Congrats Brady - We are so proud of our big man on campus.......

Brady bouncing off the walls excited to venture into toddlerville.......

Check me out fools no bars to keep me in......
I took the risk of waking him up by snapping a photo at 11pm.....but how couldn't I?
The little man looked so dang cute with a moose ready to pounce on him......
Off in never never land......

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