Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Carving out good times.......

We are in full Halloween mode over here - spent the night carving out the 'kins (it always ends up being a bigger mess than anticipated doesn't it?) But the kids liked it and the best part is salting up those seeds for some good eats. I have Brooke's Y5 Halloween party tomorrow, so I have just finished cleaning her costume, peeling the skin off of grapes to represent "spooky eyeballs", then the next day Parade/party at their daycare, all in time to get home and flail to a neighbors for a pizza party and trick o' treating with friends......Then we tuck the little ones and away in a sugar induced la la land and take a deep breath and be thankful that we don't have one thing planned this entire weekend.......

Extracting the seeds......there is something about the feeling of the goop just running in between your fingers that never gets old!
Brady was content with some stickers and a Sharpie.....

The finished product - apparently our pumpkin had a little too much candy......Ahh now onto the good stuff.........Seeds washed, dried and SALTED!!
Brady in full on instructional mode "this is hot" "seeds hot" "cook" "no touch"

We have also realized that we bought candy a week too early - that stuff is dangerous to have around - Brooke found some wrappers in the trash today and there was no way she was believing that a ghost or a witch ate it.....She just looked right at dad with that "we are going to have none left" look........
Okay that's all folks - have a great Halloween!

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