So Brooke and her friends witnessed the last of the HSM trilogy this weekend as she celebrated her 5th birthday with some tots at the theatre.... We were all waiting on bated breath to see what would come about with Gabriella and Troy's future.... (Disney you really threw us for a loop when WOW Troy picked BOTH basketball and theatre AGAIN! I am just saying its a good morale to the story but the adults are getting kinda bored......) She was very excited for this event - and dressed up to represent her favorite character, Gabriella.....

Here is Brooke posing with her cronies, Sharpay and Ryan and Chad and Taylor.......

The show was great, the kids did great, we had eight 3-5 year olds and only had to make a run for two bathroom breaks.... Thanks to the few grown ups who volunteered to stay and lend a helping hand!

The kids sat wide eyed and attentive to take in all the new lyrics and dance moves that will most likely re-enacted for the many months to come....They gorged themselves on corn, lemonade and sour sticks, cookies & fruit snacks (ha as I type this no wonder no one moved they had goodies galore......)

I have to add this one, cuz bless the little guy's heart....he was the only guy in the group so I was paying a watchful eye on him to make sure he was enjoying himself.......the first hour and a half he was jamming out bopping his head to the music, and then the poor little guy couldn't take it during the reprise finale of all the songs.....eyes roll back and out he went.....it was so sweet...Way to hang in there boy!

And no better way to polish off the afternoon with some gifties in the lobby......Is it possible that they make this much HSM paraphernalia? :)

Happy Birthday Brooklyn.......
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